Monday, September 9, 2024

Good Poetry (Similarly to Good Politics) Shouldn’t Make Us Lesser and Worse But Better and Richer in True Being

Parmenides—sitting or standing by the (Divine) Mind.


Some poetry is a form of intuition,

a sense inborn and surging afore

words, nay, all the other senses,

one that seeks to array lines—


along with fate—in truth and beauty;

for poetry, if it’s what it ought to be,

is homed in knowing of the light

that lets us tap soul’s cymatic art


with pulsing rings and floral throbs.

And that’s how, in poetry and music,

we, the wayfarers, strain to verge on


and draw closer to our mortal reach

our own souls’ auspices—as when

young Socrates sat by Parmenides.

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