Thursday, September 5, 2024

Everything in Life (and Death) Falls into Two Main Classes: Into What Makes Them Worse And What Makes Them Better and More Beautiful

“Reaching the summit, the view is vast and wide…

and I was a boat leaving the Gorges… “

Luo Quilan (1755-1813), Climbing the Highest Peak of Maoshan


Like contrasting stones, the soul

gathers, loops and passes through

her loves and lives and deaths

and travels on a boat of sound,


being the one who’s giving a voice

to what is the best and, if addressed,

finds its way into someone’s eyes.

Just as there are loves, lives, and deaths


that are like the rivers into which the stars

dip on serene nights their heels from afar.

Just as there are those even among us


who like the mountains that stand firm

as, next to clouds, they purify the purging

water on the rise within, flying into springs.

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