Saturday, March 20, 2021

True Story of Russia's Sellout (Updated)

“The Soviet Union formally dissolved on December 26, 1991, but it was on January 31, 1990 that the Bolshevik dream died in all practicality. On that day, a McDonald's opened in Moscow.”

Nick Keppler, a mentalfloss,com article


A Moscow pipe factory worker  said he forked over four days’ wages for a Big Mac, cheeseburger, apple pie, and two milkshakes and added: “What is killing us is that the average worker does not know how to work and so does not want to. Our enthusiasm has disappeared. But here my meal turned out to be just a supplement to the sincere smiles of the workers.” Francis X. Clines, “Upheaval in the East; Moscow McDonald's Opens: Milkshakes and Human Kindness,” The New York Times, February 1, 1990


I was drunk with a bunch of Russian officers before it was appropriate/allowed/authorized. Their comment was to the effect the next war would not be East v. West, it would be North v. South. Don’t get excited, they were talking about hemispheres and civilization v. Islam. Turns out they were teaching that, even in the 80’s.”

A US Army Captain, a veteran of the War on Iraq


“The Third World War will be the war against the Third World.”

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, #93 of  A Far Rockaway of the Heart

 “Zlobin at Solovyov’s just said that the USSR flag, which was lowered in 1991, was sold for $ 12 to American journalists filming the final removal of the Soviet flag from above the Kremlin. What? ... They even sold the flag! ... What are you, sluts, then celebrating on May 9?” Igor Alexanxdrov, Twitter,

For twelve dollars, Karl! The Russians sold their honor, Motherland, dignity, self-respect and the flag under which their grandfathers took Berlin, and with it the blood shed by millions of those who fell and fought! ... removed and sold the Red Banner over the Kremlin for $ 12 to American journalists.

Злобин у Соловьёва, только что сказал, что флаг СССР, который был спущен в 1991 году, был продан за 12.$ американским журналистам, снимающим спуск флага. Мля...

Даже флаг продали... Вы суки что празднуете 9 мая?.. Шкуры продажные мля... Igor Alexanxdrov, Twitter,

За двeнадцать долларов, Карл! Русские продали свою честь, Родину, достоинство, самоуважение и флаг, под которым их деды взяли Берлин, а с ним и кровь пролитую миллионами павших и сражающихся! ... сняла и продала Красное Знамя над Кремлём за 12 долларов американским журналистам.


When in 1990 Russians sold

their Great Immortal Victory

over the Fascists from 1945

for a McDonald’s hamburger

and a sugar fix of Big Coke,


their leadership, but not only—

others too who still had

their Soviet oaths printed

clearly and proudly

in their state IDs


rushed to propose

that from now on

Russia and the USA

bound as a gang together

in ripping off and raping


the Third World weaklings

while as if forgetting

or not all—that the New

Third World was to be

and was Russia herself.


And in that way they decided

to side with a sly, thus certain

death sentence to the people

without any snob or whimper

or the slightest protest’s murmur—


of conscientious objection,

with a parricide of their own

Motherland and history

by slow but sure genocide

contracted and coldly delivered


to their new Third World nation

by the sociopaths most uncultured,

yet so spawned, fed and cultivated

in Russia’s own kleptocratic Kremlin,

yesterday’s KGB and hollow communists


turned into today’s state mafia and gangsters

planted, trained, vetted and encouraged

in accordance with the “Danish” script

parts of which are already in print

to give a heads-up to those who could read.


The collapse of Russia has been set and put

into a pipeline for the early 2020s—

to open the door to a Golden Age

for the USA when the Russian egg

boils and cracks thanks to Putin’s pimps


and due to their thorough rottenness

as they make Russia a new a “poacher’s

paradise”—open to the business and the kill

after “the West succeeds in dominating Ukraine

which would make Russia utterly defenseless”


and through better final solutions and smarter schemes

of Russians-cleansing penury and merciless deprivation.

For  “the U.S. grand strategy has always been

such Russia’s fragmentation as the first line

of defense for U.S. control of the seas and nations”


by inducing and convincing these new Russians

that yesterday’s absurd is new rational—

that is to abandon themselves as they are

being putanized while “shrinking—

Russia down to medieval frontiers.”


(George Friedman, The Next 100 Years)


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