Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Pleasure Formula of the Modern Pragmatic Women

Marching to the beat of the oldest and simplest trick in the Book.


By the Gods, the Chestnuts of the Prosaisms,

Rationality, and Opinions of the Day, women

resolutely swear and firmly justify themselves

as they bear, brew, and carry tightlipped storms


and dark hearts inside their pointed chests

that ache so bad for any hint or likeness

of that great original contraption—Devil’s

own masterful device of “Anything but this”


and “You shall not”—from that old randy

Gardener who filled with ideas and words

from tops to bottoms many pious flocks,


thus, initiating and casting them headfirst

into the arcana of the blackmost magic—

the tongue that takes its warmth from life.

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