Thursday, January 30, 2025

“So, What’s the Connection, if Any, Between Medusa’s Impervious Petrifying Gaze and The Horse of Poetry Jumping from Her Throat?”


Many people enter words or even verses

fully clothed, and some in the buff

as if on their way to Eden or some

Persian garden held for Paradise

or—just refreshed going out


as happens when the words

and the verses all the more

alight with pearls, corals 

like a necklace on a skin

threaded into coiled-up gleam.


For some words or even verses

are like crystal fountain spills

which to enter and to delight in,

one must be a bloom unfolded too.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Everyone Chooses Love after His Own Fashion

“When the charioteer sees that face,

his memory is carried back.”

Phaedrus 254b


By driving ever closer to the divine

we go on growing a scrap of wings,

and within its reach and within sight,

something akin makes us die in fright.


And thus dead to the dead in love,

we learn how to stalk and track

signs of summons, striking steps,

training ears, schooling eyes.


For without the soul or love,

any art is but a hollow husk,

and the soul has something


of the sacred quiddity of art

which to be had must be tried,

used & coupled with one’s heart.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

A Mid-Winter Morning Vision, Dream


A cloud is anchored by the mountain

che non c'è ancora whereby the morphe,

the outward look of the inner pith,

stunning, pleads for stunning eyes,


just as patience is what passion asks

if a marvel, wonder, beauty’s charm,

is to ever live on in one’s timeless art

instead of dying as a will-o'-the-wisp


for what is long and slow in coming by

is undoubtedly meant to plumb and gauge

how much or how little of the timeless


and of the immortal do we have in us

for it takes quite much as opposed to less

for giving birth to what even death can’t alter.