Sunday, November 24, 2019

Poe’s Garden: See the winning works from the juried exhibition

Poe’s Garden: See the winning works from the juried exhibition

Summit Artspace invited local artists to channel Edgar Allan Poe this fall, creating works inspired by “mystery and Gothic fascination” to a juried exhibition.
Vladimir Suchan won the literary competition for “The Faun and Her Flute Have Been Found Again (Of Loves and Loving, Profane and Profound),” a poem.
Ron White won the visual competition with a ceramic sculpture of Poe himself.
The show is on view until Nov. 9.

The Faun and Her Flute Have Been Found Again (Of Loves and Loving, Profane and Profound)
“That Mrs. Lackobreath should admire anything so dissimilar to myself was a natural and necessary evil.” Edgar Poe in “Loss of Breath”
“And via the passions I arrived at genuine philosophy,”
Julie cited by Edgar Poe in “Loss of Breath”
“No birth, no love, without a corresponding death”
What does it do,
if the it is—
a love significant,
once one drops dead?
Or when that love
is transferred,
betrayed, and as good
as purloined—dead,
when is the breath,
the rung, the letter,
cut below one’s step
above that first abyss?
Or is there souls’ entanglement
as amidst embodied elements
by which they last and even feel
one another past the grave and every gap
as if neither time nor space
nor any death’s divide are to stay?
So what is crossed out,
what is lost and what is gained,
when we cross each other,
crossing—hopping over
to some other love
or life—someplace else?
How much does that
make us, sliced and
if you disremember
that my soul is
still yours as well?
From the depths
past any reckoning
we are of two minds,
two snakes entangled
in a ceaseless strife
of life and death.
At the banquet
of the entwined Eroses
we both choose and serve
one another’s fills and wants.
Until we turn around
Orpheus’ Eurydice’s turning,
that fatal swing and swerving,
when poetry was live and music,
poetry was truth, and the soul—
the light and its lyre or melodic flute,
an instrument on which God, the Faun,
played us—and so did Beethoven, Bach and Poe.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Pozdní podzim, její alt (Ostrovskému zámeckému parku)

Bledost vzduchu
bolavě až šedivící
od údivu k údivu
navstříc zimě

bělostného zázraku
k míře docela již
jiné nabádá
poezii dnes

a z jejího popela
javor dolů spouští
oharky a uhlíky,
na něž stoupá mráz.

Podzim proměnil
zelenou ve zlato,
jenomže to zlato,
jež říjnem řine se,

mísí se a práší,
rezaví a praská,
anebo před tebou
zrůžoví i zlehka,

a krajina,
jež podzimem
hýřivě se ozářila,
barvu po barvě

jak jednotlivé osudy,
noty věčné skladby,
z pokladničky světla
zpod poklopu souká.

A když pak slunko
z nebe a korun vkročí
s paprskem,
oplatkou a vínem

posledního přijímaní,
v svět, jenž dál a dosud
objevenou poezií
všemu navzdor

žasne – v květen plane,
obraceje nazpět tmění
samoty a ohňů chlad,
pokusem o zázrak –

je v duši každá chvíle.
I ta, v níž studí, plaší
z nebe snášející se sen,
krajiny nahoty předzimní,

když listí co lístky poetů,
bývalých i příštích,
strunku na srdci loudí,
znovu rozenou a znící,

a když v salta lásky zlatý alt
jistí, a ladí, a namlouvá si zas,
a v čase, jenž se rozestoupil,
hudba verši – rozeznat se dá.