Thursday, April 18, 2024

No Sane Person Calls the Soul He

I believe only some or only few,

unless it’s just one, are ever

truly athirst for the deeper

Word, its welling sound,

of which Kabir spoke

so anxiously—and yet

stumbling by taking

for granted that the Source 

must be He and that He

is the Formless Form

and not a cosmic Yang,

that is, a Femme, a Muse,

without whom any Greek

poet would have been dumb.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

What nectar, o what neck


What nectar, o what neck,

To be kissed and to be pecked

Where aromas lay a gentle trail

For your lips to glide or dwell!

And on your way along the curve,

Her downy ornament, a shock of hair,

Waves you further in—to the final

Verge and sill—by the scented air!

Are we in an orchard now or has

A wag of some enchanting wand

Changed the hour to an instant May

With a floral anadem of shimmer

on her bending head as she imbues

Her whole in the lights of bloom?

That World-Making Word Is Beauty’s Act and Verb


Both lotus and love command

the same: “Look and see!”

From that Word the lotus 

to the world has sprung,

after Kabir I sing and cant.

For the morning love of mine

got a burgeon for her mouth

folding pistils amid petals,

the finest and most delectable

vintage hatching down inside.

To be gilded, honeyed, spiced

by a sunshine and its pollen dust.

From that Word a whole new world 

and opus of her lotus have just come.

By the fainting descant of the drunken

eyes as they blaze and roll and glisten.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Kabir’s Song of Love


Isn’t immortality nothing else

than a realization of a living soul?

Music and rhythm in which souls 

Are drawn and draped—

For mortals even on this earth

Is a breath that stays a breath

By which life itself would want

To have been kissed and held

Well-known, born, and matched 

With her one true kin and kind

That if being sung and voiced

Past the marring bars of void

And shade-casting death.

Oh, yes, the universe does need

Such hearts where such one poesy

And beauty are the ambrosial guests.

If it’s love, wouldn’t it be beautiful like a melody tapped in our hearts?

Love, that’s the clef one’s fated path,

going way back from the past,

had placed with Gods on the staff

to mark how high or how low

soul might fall or fly.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Of the Image, of the Locks that Held the World And Its Time Suddenly and Utterly at Standstill


Not that often with that beauty and such grace

A simple hairdo does fall and flow and frame

So well a radiance and aura of a thinking face,

Running in two whirling rivulets down the chest

Where, suddenly, these waterfalls she combed

Seemed to find a rest, even if just gently vexed,

By being held at standstill only by the angled tips,

Becoming on the way a new awe and wonderment

Of two paths there and back again or two columns 

Egyptian used to force apart or reconnect—for those

Who will be judged and blessed—Heaven and Earth,

All what’s high with what’s below in one felicific act

When breathless turns even an Isidian sculpted bust

In the face of her neophyte’s yielding, buckling knees.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

In the Goldilocks Zone


Imagine where salt and pepper 

Were a speech, a tongue, a flame,

A new yin and a novel yang—

Occulting the neck behind 

With strokes of simple art

That gives the face more light,

Redolent of the August sun

Over leas of molten wheat

Or of the palomino snow,

Just sketched in front of eyes

Into spells of calligraphic lines

That storm and swarm the heart 

With inking glows and sparks—

An eyeful rich in shocking darts.